Cross-amplification testsof ungulate primers in the endangered Neotropical pampas deer (Ozotocerosbezoarticus)
Departamento de Genética – IIBCE Unidad Asociada de Facultad de Ciencias,Montevideo, Uruguay
Conflicts: At the beginningof the 20th century, the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) hadlarge populations that occupied a wide range of open habitats throughout SouthAmerica. However, today a few small isolated populations remain, and the pampasdeer is considered one of the most endangered neotropical species of deer(González et al., 1998). The fast development of cost-efficient tools tomeasure genetic diversity in populations of endangered species such as thepampas deer is needed for conservation management efforts.
ABSTRACT. In cross-species amplificationtests of 15 ungulate primers in pampas deer, five were retained to form a smallpanel of highly polymorphic loci that could be used to efficiently screenpopulations of this endangered species. The polymerase chain reactions wereperformed incorporating the universal fluorescent labeled M13 (-21) primer. In69 pampas deer, average allelic diversity was 15, expected heterozygosity was0.869 and the mean polymorphic information content value was 0.847. Paternityexclusion probabilities over loci were NE-1P = 0.01336 and NE-2P = 0.00135, andcombined non-exclusion probability of identity was P(ID) =3 × 10-8.
Key words: Bovidae, Cervidae, Cross-speciesamplification, Microsatellite,
At the beginning of the20th century, the pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) had largepopulations that occupied a wide range of open habitats throughout
Microsatellite markers areuseful in assessing population structure and trends, patterns of dispersal,social organization, levels of inbreeding, population relationships, and inplanning translocations (Beja-Pereira et al., 2004).
Although cloning is themost accurate technique for developing species-specific primers, the time andeffort required are substantial (Galan et al., 2003). For this reason, severalstudies have taken advantage of the relatively highly conserved microsatelliteflanking regions of domestic species. A large number of polymorphic loci havebeen reported and these have been applied in wild populations ofphylogenetically closely related species (Galan et al., 2003; Vial et al.,2003; Maudet et al., 2004).
The objectives of thepresent study were: i) to test in pampas deer 15 microsatellite loci isolatedfrom cattle, sheep and goat, that have been demonstrated to be polymorphicacross other Cervids (Table 1), and ii) to characterize a small set of highlypolymorphic microsatellite loci across six pampas deer populations.
DNA was isolated fromtissue samples according to González et al. (1998). Primers were first testedin three pampas deer samples. A single polymerase chain reaction per locus wasperformed with the universal fluorescent labeled M13 primer(5’[6-FAM]TGTAAAACGGCCAGT-
The thermo-cyclingconditions included two stages; during the first 29 cycles, the forward primerwas incorporated. This stage consisted of denaturation at
(-21) primer was incorporated in the annealing step at